Welcome to SACA

SACA has moved to Oxford under the name of OSCAR. Check out www.oscar-ox.com

For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Our Sponsors:


June 6th, 2022

Kazi successfully defended his PhD dissertation and will be joining Intel as a CPU Architect. Congrats, Kazi!

December 13th, 2021

Transpose-Xen is accepted in SAC'22. Congrats, John!

December 10th, 2021

Our work on secure memory metadata handling in disaggregated systems is accepted in IPDPS'22. Congrats, Mazen!

October 27th, 2021

Our work on rethinking filesystem encryption in the area of emerging NVMs is accepted in HPCA'22. Congrats, Kazi!

July 14th, 2021

Three papers accepted in the International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO'21). Congrats, Kazi, Xijing and Ryad!

April 23rd, 2021

Our ProMT paper is accepted in ICS'21 and is a best paper candidate. Congrats, Mazen!

April 5th, 2021

Vamsee defended his PhD dissertation, and joining AMD Research. Congrats, Vamsee!

October 27, 2020

Two papers accepted in HPCA'21. Congrats Vamsee and Mazen!

June 15, 2020

SACA group is moving to North Carolina State University in Fall'20

... see all News